Actionworks: Education company that builds entrepreneurship and innovation programs for the U.S. Department of State, Intel, the University of Texas, and dozens more.
Minimum Viable Video: Cohort-based course teaching how to make videos to get customers, connections, and capital.
Coaching: I help founders, engineers, and tech workers become more successful around video and business.
(Previously) 3 Day Startup: 10-year CEO journey scaling an entrepreneurship bootcamp to 50 countries.

- My fiancé and I (and her ridiculous cats) split our time between Austin, TX and Savannah, GA
- Interests: LLMs, Formula 1, Mexican food, Alvvays, Nolan films, cognitive scientist Donald Hoffman’s theory of reality, Longhorn football
- I’m 4 years deep into writing a from-the-trenches newsletter of stories and tips on video, entrepreneurship, and AI
- I’ve had a hell of a lot easier time building companies than figuring out vulnerability; that came with Personal Boards of Directors
I manage a mysterious health condition—maybe you’ll be the one to diagnose it?RESOLVED!
DM me on Twitter or email me at my name at actionworks dot co (not dot com).
When Your Uber Driver Asks You to Lie to the Police
After we landed and collected our bags in the Guadalajara airport, I called the Uber. As the driver loaded our bags into the car, his face tensed. Under his breath, he muttered, “Pretend we’re friends.” Before I could ask him what he meant, a cop from the Guardia Civil sidled up to the car. The Guardia Civil, a federal law enforcement agency in Mexico, is known for enforcing customs and airport rules with an authoritative presence.
You’re Not Using AI Enough
I was 16, freshly armed with a driver’s license, and ready to explore the world beyond my neighborhood. I’d like to say my newfound freedom led to wild, Ferris Bueller-style adventures, but the reality was far less cinematic. Instead, my first big solo mission involved a financial misadventure that would stick with me for years.
Winning an Award and the Power of Relationships
This award didn’t happen because I was great (though I promise you, I was). The real reason is Rodrigo—my rock star business partner in Guadalajara.
Don’t Leave Money on the Table: The Secret of Free Upside
Look at the fighter jet pictured below—specifically, the cockpit. Then look a little closer. The paint job is designed to cause confusion in a dogfight. We’re seeing the bottom of the plane. But the paint job depicts a fake cockpit, making us think we’re seeing the top of the plane. Mimicking the cockpit causes momentary […]
A Casual Approach to AI: “Speech In, Text Out” (SITO)
The biggest change to how I use AI is something I call SITO: “Speech In, Text Out.” This approach makes it easier to make requests to GPT while simultaneously increasing the quality of outputs.
The Secret Killer of Startup Ideas: Mexico Month Part 5
A simple mental model to increase your odds of success: When you’re building a business, you need to keep two lines aligned: one line represents what the customer thinks, and the other line represents what you think. These two lines are the foundation of your company’s success.