Actionworks: Education company that builds entrepreneurship and innovation programs for the U.S. Department of State, Intel, the University of Texas, and dozens more.
Minimum Viable Video: Cohort-based course teaching how to make videos to get customers, connections, and capital.
Coaching: I help founders, engineers, and tech workers become more successful around video and business.
(Previously) 3 Day Startup: 10-year CEO journey scaling an entrepreneurship bootcamp to 50 countries.

- My fiancé and I (and her ridiculous cats) split our time between Austin, TX and Savannah, GA
- Interests: LLMs, Formula 1, Mexican food, Alvvays, Nolan films, cognitive scientist Donald Hoffman’s theory of reality, Longhorn football
- I’m 4 years deep into writing a from-the-trenches newsletter of stories and tips on video, entrepreneurship, and AI
- I’ve had a hell of a lot easier time building companies than figuring out vulnerability; that came with Personal Boards of Directors
I manage a mysterious health condition—maybe you’ll be the one to diagnose it?RESOLVED!
DM me on Twitter or email me at my name at actionworks dot co (not dot com).
A Casual Approach to AI: “Speech In, Text Out” (SITO)
The biggest change to how I use AI is something I call SITO: “Speech In, Text Out.” This approach makes it easier to make requests to GPT while simultaneously increasing the quality of outputs.
The Secret Killer of Startup Ideas: Mexico Month Part 5
A simple mental model to increase your odds of success: When you’re building a business, you need to keep two lines aligned: one line represents what the customer thinks, and the other line represents what you think. These two lines are the foundation of your company’s success.
Notes From a Fever Dream: Mexico Month Part 4
Rodrigo was a big fan of lucha libre—Mexican wrestling—but the rest of us were first-timers. I didn’t expect much beyond a quirky cultural detour. How exciting could it possibly be? A bunch of men in tights fake-fighting in cheap masks?
Agave and Anarchy: My Day in Tequila: Mexico Month Part 3
He shared stories about his grandfather, who trained mules to carry the hefty piñas to the distillery. “He’d spend days getting them familiar with the route,” Emil shared. I’d never heard of using mules to automate business processes before.
Business Lessons from a Guy with a Face Tattoo: Mexico Month Part 2
I was halfway through one of my talks on AI and customer acquisition in Guadalajara when I locked eyes with the most unforgettable person in the room: a guy with full-face tattoos. What came next was a reminder of how entrepreneurs—even those working around NSFW topics—are subject to the same rules of growth and marketing.
Invisible Architecture of Opportunity: Mexico Month Part 1
During my visit to Guadalajara, I posted up in a small, upscale coffee shop in a nice neighborhood. I sat at a table and began planning out my day. Across the room, I noticed the woman behind the counter, confined to a small 6×4 foot rectangular space, barely big enough for her to move freely. Her workspace seemed like a tiny, constrained box, while I sprawled out in the open space reserved for the patrons.